Day 6, Wednesday, February 13; Hanauma Preserve

We had planned to leave early in the morning to go snorkeling at Hanauma Preserve which is supposed to be one of the best places for snorkeling in Oahu. At 6am we had a downpour and the forecast was for more rain so we decided not to go out.

By mid-morning, the sun came out and Carmen and I walked down to Lanikai Beach. I went swimming but it was a bit chilly so we didn't stay there too long.

A little before noon it was sunny and we all decided to head over to Hanauma Bay. We took the top off Dave's rental Jeep so we could pretend to be young people out for a ride but before long it started to sprinkle. We thought it would stop soon but it continued gently for the next 30 minutes or so. It mostly went over Dave and Betty in the front seat but we couldn't avoid it in the back.

Fortunately, it stopped by the time we got to Hanauma Bay and the sun came out.

Before going down to the beach, we had to watch a video on the history of the bay and protecting the coral, fish and other wildlife. Unfortunately, I didn't see anything while snorkeling and Carmen only saw a few fish and a small coral. The water was quite stirred up from the surf on the other side of the reef and I can't see much without my glasses.😕

Around 2pm it clouded over and started to sprinkle again. We thought it might end soon but it started to rain more seriously and by the time we got back up to the parking area it was pouring. Most people were leaving but some were just arriving - I hope the weather improved for them.

On the way back we stopped at Costco for dinner provisions and got a dozen red roses for the "girls".

For dinner we grilled jumbo prawns, rib-eye steak, cedar planked steelhead trout and asparagus, accompanied with red and white wine. Quite a feast.

Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay

Route to Hanauma Bay


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