Day 3, Sunday, February 10 - In Kailua

A slightly cool 62 degrees and partly sunny.

Carmen noticed that there was a rainbow stretching from the ocean to the mountain behind us. A few minutes later we had a heavy rain which continued off and on for an hour.

The rain stopped and the sun came out so we walked a few blocks down to the Lanikai Beach with azure-blue waters inside the reef. I was sorry I hadn't worn my bathing suit as the water was beautiful. On the way to the beach we saw the beautiful egret below on top of a hedge.

We were at the beach for about half an hour when the sky turned dark to the north and we decided to head back although a few minutes too late. The sky opened up and poured - we walked back, covering our heads with the beach mats which weren't especially effective. By the time we got back to the apartment, the rain stopped and the sun was starting to come out again.

When it seemed that it might stay dry for a while, Dave took us on a small sightseeing drive around the area and along the coast to the south-east. The scenery is spectacular with the ocean to the left and steep rugged mountains to the right.

On the way back we stopped at a small local market to see if they had "poke" (seasoned raw fish like ceviche) and were surprised to find a deli-like area that instead of meats, had over a dozen different types of poke with different seasonings and types of seafood, from ahi tuna to shrimp, scallops and crab. We got bowls with two different types. Then we stopped at Maui Mike's Flame-Roasted Chicken to get a whole chicken. We took this all back for a delicious lunch at the apartment.

After a siesta, we drove up to the Nu'uanu Pali overlook which has an expansive view of the coast. A rainbow could be seen just at the coast. This is the site of the final battle of King Kamehameha I against the King of Oahu which resulted in hundreds of King Oahu's warriors being pushed over the edge of the cliff to their death.

Feral chickens and cats are all over the island. Surprisingly, the cats and chickens seem to get along. At the Nu'uanuy Pali overlook we saw a chicken "rustler". This guy grabbed one of the feral chickens and stuck it under his coat.

One thing strange about the police is that many of them use there own private cars and just put official blue lights on top of the car to indicate that they are police.

At lookout

Where we are


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